New year, so how did last year's goals turn out? How about some new ones? Maybe?

I'm not a New Year's Resolutions girl.  As I explained last year, breaking the resolutions is too depressing for me.  But, I can think about what I'd like to do without making it into a challenge that will mess with my mental health.

Last year, I decided I wanted to do 4 things, so how did I do?

  • Do some digital scrapbooking again.  - Yep, I did some of this.  Not a ton, but some.  I found I want to capture the highlights of the year and not every event anymore.  
  • Make more freezer lunches/breakfasts.  - Did some but not much of this.  Basically, we had egg sandwiches in the freezer a lot but nothing else really.  
  • Decide if I want to continue as Girl Scout leader next year.  - Definitely decided and no GS this year, leader or otherwise. 
  • Do some of this cleaning/organizing/decluttering . - Did some and am motivated to re-start.  It seems that January-whenitgetshot is the time when I organize and purge.  The summer, I survive as best I can.  Fall-year's end is holidays and birthdays and general craziness.  

Not too bad.  So what's on tap for this coming year?

  1. Knit more.  I've already got a head start on this with the Harry Potter Knitting House Cup on Ravelry.  A project per month minimum required for Jan-Feb-Mar.  Did it in Sept-Oct-Nov and had fun and actually got a lot of knitting done.  Now, to keep it up in the warm months....
  2. Take the kids on a trip.  I don't know where, when, how, etc, but I want to take them somewhere that is not a visit to family or a quick weekend camping trip.  It definitely needs to be somewhere outside Colorado.  It can certainly be camping, but the focus needs to be fun, exploring, learning, no agenda.  And family are welcome, but it isn't about visiting them, it's about the trip (like one year we went to Yellowstone and camped with Brian's family - that was lovely and a REAL vacation.)
  3. Get through this 4H thing.  Somehow managed to get 2 kids and 6 projects done in 8 months.  Sounds easy, right.  HA!Ask any current or former 4H family if that is easy.
  4. Organize some more.  I have an intense desire to purge.  The house is messy and cluttered, seems like we have too much stuff, no?
  5. Paint the kitchen and living room.  Strip out the linoleum and carpet in those rooms and the hall.  Paint and seal the floors.  I'm so tired of ugly, stained, dirtythatwon'tcomeclean floors.

Some other stuff I plan on doing:

  • Update the chicken flock - add some youngsters in the spring and purge some of the older ladies in the fall.  Might add a couple geese in the spring too.
  • Keep up on the blog
  • Continue on with our pseudo-organized homeschool schedule.  It's been working out to do math, ancient civ and writing twice a week, science once a week along with some other stuff thrown in for fun.  The kids love it all, except maybe math.  They don't hate, it's just not something they beg me to do, unlike the other three.
  • Some more digital scrapbooking.  I'd like to get a quick book done for each year.  Just 20-30 pages/year so that the years are adequately recorded.  After that, I can play and be arty :)
  • Keep reading. Set a goal of 52 books on Goodreads.  We'll see if I make it.  This past year I read 48.
  • Send holiday cards again.  I sent out cards this year for the first time in probably four years.  They even included a letter with pictures! It wasn't too bad, I need to make time to do it again.  I like feeling like I've reached out to friends far and near.  Spread a little bit of happiness.  Let people know that I remember and appreciate them.   

I guess that's enough to try and accomplish.  We'll see how I've done next year at this time :)

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