The Evil Rolling Head

If you want more bunny pics, head over to our rabbitry website

All of our rabbits are named after gods and goddesses.  It's a nice because there is a theme and yet, practically unlimited names.

This morning the girls decided to name some of the babies who are going to the show in May.  In order to choose the perfect name, we turn to  The girls started with Persephone, Freya, Athena, normal goddess names.  While naming these does, one naughty bunny spent her time chewing on my shirt, gnawing on the carpet, running around the room like a possessed idiot.  This rabbit, she has been named Ulupoka, the evil rolling head:

An evil rolling head.
In the very beginning the Gods were involved in power struggles and wars. ULUPOKA got his head cut off in a battle and it fell to Earth. But it could not die as it was a Godhead — but not a good one. He had got the chop for a very good reason. He was evil.
Since then the head has rolled around doing nasty things like biting the feet of sleeping men. This means they will never rise again.

I may have to keep her just because her name makes me laugh every time I hear it.

As for our other rabbits, we have:

  • Harn (senior doe) - Norse goddess of flax
  • Mayahuel (senior doe) - Aztec goddess of tequila
  • Yhi (senior doe) - Australian creation goddess who is bad at anatomy, hence the strange creatures down under
  • Quetzlcoatl (senior buck) - Aztec feathered serpent god of, among other things, chocolate and the cosmos
  • Radegast (senior buck) - Slavic god of beer, hospitality, and sound advice
  • Zosim (intermediate buck) - Slavic god of mead, bees, and bawdy songs (because what else would come from the god of beer mating with the goddess of tequila?)
  • Athena (junior doe) - Greek goddess of war
  • Persephone (junior doe) - beautiful Greek part-time goddess of the underworld
  • Freya (junior doe) - Norse warrior goddess of love and fertility
  • Chloris (junior doe) - Greek goddess of spring flowers


  • Ulupoka (junior doe) - an evil rolling head

FYI: Only the seniors and 1-2 junior does will be staying in the herd after the May show. 

I quit, and it scares me


Anxiety is running high right now.

Why? Lots of reasons.

First, because I quit.  I quit a big volunteer job that I've done for a number of years. Is it a relief? Yes and no.  It had to be done as the girls' county and state 4-H commitments are insane.  If I tried to continue to manage that and the volunteer position, at least one of those juggling balls was going to be dropped, probably more than one.  Still, I have a hard time letting go.  I've done this job, and done it well, I might add, for many years. I'm giving up something I'm good at.  I also don't know who will take over.  What if no one does? What if I unfairly burden others because I quit?!

Then there's the thought of all that 4-H crap.  There is dance, rabbit judging, dog...what if all of those things go to state fair.  Dance is pretty likely.  Rabbit judging has no qualifier, they just go. Dog, well, Dobby's not terribly cooperative but it could happen, and then I'd be spending up to three weekends in Pueblo. In August & September. That is not exactly heavenly what with the heat and the fact that it's Pueblo.

Not to mention getting ready for the county fair.  The record books, the tri-fold boards, the animals.  The dance competition, dog rally, rocket fly day, rabbit meat pens. Ahhhhh!!!!

Then there are these stupid broken ankles.  Yes, they are getting better, but they also still hurt and swell up on a regular basis.  I have to ration out what and how much I do so that I can get through.  It's not merely "one day at a time," more like, "plan out your week with rest time, and don't forget, driving sucks. A lot. And you have to work and drive kids around.  Yeah, you!"

Ok, time to end these swirling thoughts and move forward.  I will come up with a plan and we will get this stuff done.  And I'll do all of the other stuff I have to do too. With the exception of that volunteer position.  It's someone else's turn to be awesome at that.

PSA #2

Guess what, people? Pictures of food, even really special, super delicious food, are not appealing.  They aren't.  I know that you think, "I am having this fabulous thing, I. Must. Share."

Please don't.

Professionals take hours and hours to make food look pretty for a picture.  It's all about lighting and staging.  It's about using things that aren't even the real ingredients to make things look better.  You know those milk mustaches in the Got Milk? campaign? Not milk.

Your picture in a dark restaurant taken with your phone, not so great.

Of course, I share horribly blurry pictures of rabbits and hedgehogs so who am I to talk, right?