How to earn a 5-star rating for your town


Because I don't like to announce to the world when my house is empty, you are receiving these Santa Fe updates on a 3-day delay. We had a most fabulous Groupon deal for a suite w/kitchen for 2 nights so we got away for the weekend.  On Friday...

On Friday, Brian asked Stella if she liked Santa Fe so far.  She cocked her head to the side thinking then ticked off on her fingers, "Well, we have a hotel room with salad tongs, a pool, I can run around like a crazy person AND there's a donkey statute.  Yes, of course I like it!"

So there you are, if you would like your town to rate high on the Stella scale, be sure and have all of those items.


Did you know that clicking is scientifically proven* to be good for your health and well-being? True**! And you can vote for me and my blog by clicking! Coincidence***? Improve your health today by clicking here.  Or here.  And once again here.  Just for good measure, click here.  Your body will thank you later****!

Fine print
*       - not even scientifically studied.  If it has been, I have not read about it.
**     - not true
***   - totally NOT a coincidence
**** - your body won't care at all.  Thanks will not be forthcoming.


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