The New Meds, Not the Same as the Old Meds

Stella's new meds seem to be helping her this week. The low-down:

  • She's had less incidences of anger and they are certainly lasting less time. In other words, not all day. Not even long enough, usually, to get her sent to her room to cool off.
  • She's doing less physical lashing out during her outbursts. Still yelling, but not so much hitting and kicking.
  • She's also done her school work without whining and carrying on for hours.

I've noticed the difference. Sandis has noticed too (as the recipient of the most of Stella's physical anger, this is good.) Brian says he hasn't been yelled at all week. And Stella says she thinks she's doing less hitting but still a lot of yelling. Fingers crossed that this isn't just a "good week" and that her medication is actually working for her. We go back for a follow up next Wednesday so we'll have some more time to see if this is really working or just a fluke.

As a side note, Wednesday was a word that's spelling perplexed Sandis on her PASS test. She got that question wrong (no, I didn't change it.) I still have to say Wed-Nes-Day to myself to spell it correctly so if a 9 yr old gets it wrong, that's ok :)


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